*** TieLabs Instagram Feed Plugin formerly known as InstaNOW Changelog *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TieLabs Instagram Feed Plugin Version 1.0.0 - New Generation of the old InstaNow Plugin - First release ------------------------------------------------------------------------- InstaNOW Version 2.1.3 - Improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - instanow.php - assets/style.css - assets/ilightbox/js/ilightbox.packed.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------- InstaNOW Version 2.1.2 - Improved: PHP 7 Compatibility. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. Files updated - instanow.php - instanow-admin.php - assets/style.css - assets/admin.css - assets/ilightbox/mac-skin/skin.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1.1 - Improved: Grid layout image quality. - Improved: Instagram Authorize method. Files updated - instanow.php - instanow-admin.php - assets/style.css - assets/js/admin-scripts.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1.0 IMPORTANT: Due to the recent Instagram API changes, in order for the InstaNOW plugin to continue working after June 1st you must obtain a new Access Token. This is true even if you recently already obtained a new token. Apologies for any inconvenience. - Updated: Compatible with Instagrams new API changes effective June 1st - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0.0 - Renames plugin from “Instagramy” to “InstaNOW”. - NEW FEATURE: New Easier way to authorize your account with Instagram. - NEW FEATURE: Load More feature for the Grid Layout. - NEW FEATURE: Ability to show more than 20 Images. - NEW FEATURE: Flat Images option. - NEW FEATURE: Compatibility with the Visual Composer plugin. - Improved: Ability to set the cache time for 1 hour. - Improved: Compatibility with the new Instagram API 16759. - Improved: iLightBox library code. - And other improvements and minor bug fixes. To Update: Remove the old Instagramy plugin folder and Upload the new InstaNOW folder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.2 - Fixed: Showing wrong account info and media bug. Files updated - instagramy.php - assets/style.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.1 - Updated: The plugin is now WordPress 4.3 ready. Files updated - instagramy.php - instagramy-admin.php - assets/style.css ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.0 - NEW FEATURE: Hashtag support. - NEW FEATURE: Activate links of accounts and hashtags in the user bio section. - NEW FEATURE: Activate links of accounts and hashtags in the post caption. - Improved: Plugin Speed and performance by reducing the amount of data stored and fetched from the database by 90%. - Updated : The Plugin’s documentations . - Fixed: Set custom cache time bug. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.2 - Improved: Plugin Speed by removing @import from the main style.css file . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.1 - Improved: Plugin Speed by combining all Js files in one file . - Fixed: Documentation URL in the backend . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 - First release